All posts by info

Should You Quit Your Job?

When it comes to establishing your work or career path, the first thing that you need to consider is your happiness. Always remember that your well-being must be your top priority. Do not choose a job that you are not interested in. Stop forcing people in the workplace to like you or vice versa. Keep in mind that doing otherwise will only make you feel unhappy and stressed. If this situation goes on for a long time, there is a possibility that you may become clinically depressed.


Continue reading Should You Quit Your Job?

Things To Know Before Marrying A Lupus Patient 


So, have you either proposed or thought of proposing to your girlfriend who bravely faces lupus as we speak? 

The fact that you are paying attention to this post must mean that the wedding bells are about to ring for you and your beloved. It is a wondrous thing – love is – and you are lucky to find each other. 

Continue reading Things To Know Before Marrying A Lupus Patient 

Therapy For Stressed Parents


There are plenty of things that parents can get stressed about. It could be the way the kitchen is so messed up just after the children finish breakfast and head to school. Or it could be that she doesn’t have time for herself that she gets drained and frustrated. Or worse, they may have a child who has mental health or behavioral problems. So they seek help in dealing with these issues, and in the process, they forget about their own emotions. The stress may gradually or quickly increase and overwhelm the parents. Counseling can walk parents through addressing their mental and emotional issues. Here they are provided with support and taught vital skills to help them manage their issues. Continue reading Therapy For Stressed Parents

What Career Counseling Can Do For You


If you’re one of those individuals that are worried about their careers and unsure about their future, then you may be a great candidate for career counseling. Career counseling helps individuals like you to face the challenges of the uncertain future by offering sound advice about what you want, what qualities you have best, and what will make you happy. It helps you make sense of your present so you can plan for your future. Continue reading What Career Counseling Can Do For You

Getting Help For Procrastination


Procrastination, or the act of delaying something that must be done, can become a seriously distressing illness that can cause frustration and dissatisfaction in someone’s life, which may lead to more harmful effects on the quality of one’s relationships. From the Latin word meaning ‘until tomorrow,’ this presents as an evasion of work that must be accomplished or the act of delaying tactics. People become procrastinators because some have not been trained or have not trained themselves at doing and completing easy as well as difficult tasks at hand. Continue reading Getting Help For Procrastination

Help! My Child Is Addicted To Her Gadgets!


Today’s technology has enabled us to move further into the future. But however this has turned out as a blessing to the world, it has also become a curse – for me as a parent, that is. Even though smartphones have made it easier for my husband and me to communicate via Skype or Face Time, my child has slowly been pulled away from me because of this blessing. Gadgets have changed our lifestyle and have influenced us, including our children, and sometimes for the worse.

How Have These Gadgets Negatively Affected Children?

Family time has been tremendously reduced, that’s for sure (at least for me). I can’t even share 15 minutes of dinnertime with my 8-year-old without us having an argument because she’s watching something on YouTube while eating! It’s so distressing!

Furthermore, based on research, here are some of the most detrimental effects that gadgets can cause on children.

  • Gadgets increase the likelihood of children becoming obese, as they don’t find playing outside more enjoyable than playing video games or watching vlogs. They have a higher risk of becoming lazy and useless.
  • Because most things that watch contain some form of violence in the form of shouting, fighting, or throwing tantrums, children are likely to follow these and may manifest with violent behavior as well.
  • There is less energy and focus on school matters.
  • Too much screen time from television and phones have been found to cause lesser social interaction and may lead to reduced language development. It also causes reduced sleeping hours, as the blue light emitted by the screens somehow prevent the production of melanin, a vital hormone for sleeping.



So What Can I Do As A Parent?

“Balancing technology use with other aspects of daily life seems reasonable, but there is a lot of conflicting advice about where that balance should be.”  Christopher J. Ferguson Ph.D. in clinical psychology explains. So with that, here’s a collection of answers from parents who, like me, have struggled with their children and have successfully weaned them from their gadgets.

Do Your Job. No matter how rebellious or hostile your son or daughter becomes, you must fulfill your responsibility as a parent. Set rules and show your child that you want these rules to be followed, or else there will be consequences. If the rules aren’t followed, then implement the consequences. You must make hard decisions, as you know that they will be for the best. But whatever you do, make sure you provide an explanation for your child to better understand and take to heart what you are trying to teach him.

Do Other Activities With Him. Encourage your child to read by introducing him to popular books or those that you know will perk his interest. If he likes magic, buy him the Harry Potter Series. Play board games with him or do a sport together. Let him realize that there’s more to life than just sitting at home with a gadget.

Don’t Buy Him A Gadget Unless He Needs It. If you want him to be able to call you from school, you can buy an ordinary phone that can only do call and text. If he’s not yet in the appropriate age to learn via visual aids, then don’t buy him gadgets yet. Actually, don’t buy him a gadget just because the other kids have one. Buy one if it is only necessary. Note that “It has been found that prolonged and unmonitored technology usage can impact children on the cognitive, psychosocial, and psychological levels.” Jyothsna Bhat, PsyD said. Therefore, might as well consider it.

Final Thoughts



“There is also little doubt that all of the new technologies, led by the Internet, are shaping the way we think in ways obvious and subtle, deliberate and unintentional, and advantageous and detrimental.” Jim Taylor Ph.D. said. I know these tips are better said than done, but they’ve been tested and proven to work so I’ll definitely give them a try. It’s worth doing, and it’s worth the fight.




Tips To Live Life To The Fullest

What is the first idea or thing that comes into your mind when you think of death? If you will die today, can you honestly say to yourself that you have done everything you need to do? Will you be ready to part this world in case it is going to be your last day? These are the questions that you need to ponder on every single day so that you will feel a lot motivated and inspired to go after for what you want.

According to a therapist, many people end up feeling unhappy because they do a lot of things not for themselves but other people. While there are those who reap the rewards of selfishness, one cannot deny the fact that it is essential to take care of one’s self first before reaching out to help others.

In today’s article, we are going to discuss the different tips and tricks that you need to consider if you truly want to live your life to the fullest. Do not wait before it is too late to start going after what you want. Remind yourself that this life is too short to worry about a lot of things. You must stop thinking that you still got time to do everything you want for the next few years. Again, you need to reflect on the possibility that today might be your last day to make things right. Below is a complete list of the strategies that you may consider if you want to have the best time of your life:

Stop Dwelling On The Past

The first or initial step that you must take is to forgive yourself so that you can finally stop dwelling on the past. You have to give yourself a break from all the stress and anxiety that your past has provided you. If you think that you did something wrong in the past or has made wrong choices before, then promise yourself to get over it and begin a new chapter of your life. Remember that all the matters is the present moment. You have to look at life with a positive and hopeful vision. Focus on living in the present and working hard to have a beautiful future. Yes, “Major life transitions can bring up a lot past memories, increase anxiety, disorder eating and body image, and even though it’s “the happiest time of your life”, depression and other mental health symptoms are known to flare up.” Brie Shelly, MS, LMHC, RYT said.

Set Goals And Objectives

Be sure that you know the direction of your life. Do not choose to go with the flow. Instead, be strong enough to see what you want and to go after it no matter how difficult it may seem. Take note that you are a great and fantastic person who can change the world around you. All you must do is to set goals and remind yourself every single day of your mission. Once you do this, everything in your life will become a lot easier. In everything that you do, be sure that you always consider your objectives. Take responsibility for all your actions. Most importantly, reward yourself whenever you achieve one goal at a time.

Take Risks At All Times

Another thing that you must consider is never to be afraid of taking risks. Remember that life is too short to keep staying on the safe side. Sometimes, you have to choose to close your eyes and take the plunge even if you have no idea how it will end. For example, if you are already unhappy with your work, do not be afraid to quit. File your resignation letter today and start chasing your dreams. You must stop thinking that you will never get another job or that you will be in trouble in case you do it. The truth is that you will never get a chance to find out what will happen until you finally decide to quit. You can make things happen. “People with a healthy self-esteem tend to view failure as an event. People with low self-esteem often view failure as fatal. This thought process pummels one’s self-esteem and overtime being a failure becomes their identity.” says counselor Monte Drenner

Follow Your Passion

Know what makes you happy and cultivate yourself in that area. Remember that it is essential to be in love with everything that you do. As such, you must see to it that you will continue to follow your passion regardless of how challenging things may be. Keep in mind that everything is possible in this lifetime. You will be amazed at how your life can improve the moment you keep on doing the things or activities that you are genuinely passionate about. Look for those that set your soul on fire or burn your desire for happiness in this life. You deserve nothing but the best. Remember, “Happy people do things differently. They make their emotional wellbeing a priority and practice daily and weekly habits that help them create joy, happiness and satisfaction in their lives.” Dr. Chantal Gagnon PhD LMHC said.

What are you waiting for? Be sure to follow the list of tips that we mentioned in this post so that you can have a quality life. 

Can You Survive A Divorce?

Finding out that your marriage is about to crumble can be the most heartbreaking moment of your life. You will start to wonder how things can fall apart even if your relationship started with the sweetest and most lovable story. Unfortunately, psychology tells us that people can change even if you do not expect it to happen. The truth is that you will begin to realize that your husband is not the kind of person that you expected to be when you first started dating. At the same time, you may also find yourself becoming a different person as the days go by.



When the marriage ends, it is only logical for both parties to get a divorce. Even if you do not want to go on separate ways, you have no choice but to participate in the divorce proceedings. We understand that it can be challenging to survive this painful phase of your life, but you have to no choice but to move forward to better tomorrows. At first, everything will be too painful to the point that you will wallow in sadness and loneliness for months. However, you cannot let this situation go on for a long time. Otherwise, everything in your life will start to crumble down. Your relationship with the kids, as well as other people, may be affected. As Jennifer Baxt, LMFT, LMHC explains, “Divorce is not something that should never be entered into lightly. It means an end to that relationship and the breakup of a family, which can be greatly traumatizing to the children of that marriage.”

Fortunately, there are tons of ways on how you can get going despite the divorce. Make sure that you know and familiarize yourself with these strategies so that it will be easier on your part to overcome the situation. Here are some of the smart things to do:


Forgive Yourself

The first thing that you must do is to forgive yourself for all your shortcomings and failures in the marriage. Stop blaming yourself for what happened because it will only lead to depression or extreme sadness. The best thing to do is to recognize your mistakes and accept them wholeheartedly. Take note that there is nothing that you can do to change the past. Learn to forgive yourself so that you can move on quickly. Do not let your self-pitying thoughts bring you down.


Accept The Situation

Another thing that you must do is to start talking about your divorce to other people. Stop pretending that everything in your marriage is okay or that you are still in the process of working things out with your ex. Keep in mind that the relationship ended for a reason. Remind yourself of this reason every single day until you start to accept the situation. Take note that denial will only make things harder for you and your children. As such, it is recommended to start discussing to your friends and family members about the divorce. The more you discuss or talk about it, the easier it would be on your part to accept the reality. Donna M. White, LMHC, CACP once stated that “Many times I have heard couples say, “We know what’s wrong, but we just don’t know how to fix it.”. This is a perfect time to get a third party involved. If a couple is stuck, a skilled clinician may be able to get them moving in the right direction.”



Go On A Vacation

Do not be afraid to treat yourself to a quick vacation to a place that you have always wanted to visit. Make sure that you take this trip as an opportunity to reconnect with yourself. “Vacations are coping mechanisms that help us adapt to the everyday stresses in our lives.” John Mayer, PhD said. Enjoy a moment of solitude to a place that is far away from your home. When you do this, you are exposing yourself to a different world. Somehow, it will make you feel more excited about the things that will unfold in your life now that you are divorced. Aside from this, the vacation will also make you realize that it is possible to be happy without your husband.


Go On Therapy Sessions

Another thing that you can consider is to seek professional help. All you have to do is to look for a licensed therapist in your area and book for an appointment. If you are not comfortable or interested in face-to-face meetings, you can also try online therapy services. The choice depends on your personal preferences. Do not worry because every information, story, and experience that you will share to the therapist will be confidential. As such, he is not allowed to talk about it to other people.


Focus On Yourself

Now that you are officially divorced from your husband, it is high time to start caring for yourself. Keep in mind that you spent the past few years taking good care of the marriage. Since it already ended, the best thing to do is to begin loving yourself even more. Go get a makeover and do all the things that can you feel more beautiful than ever. Aside from this, you can also start looking for a new passion. Keep yourself busy, but make sure that everything you do will make you feel a lot better.


Remember that you have what it takes to overcome the divorce.


Mental Illness And Common Behavioral Health Issues

With health, the tendency is to focus on the physical, mental, and spiritual dimensions. However, there’s one more aspect that people aren’t aware of: behavioural health. Many think that this is interchangeable with mental illness, but it isn’t. Neurological and biological factors can affect the latter while the former relies significantly on a person’s behaviour and choices. Continue reading Mental Illness And Common Behavioral Health Issues

Experts On Behavioral Health’s Advice: Don’t Buy Twitter Followers To Become Famous

Fame is comparable to a drug that tends to affect the mental health of the people getting addicted to it. Many individuals who get a taste of it wants to experience it over and over, to the point that they don’t mind lowering their morals to gain popularity. In truth, the most wicked thing that A-listers and socialite-wannabes can do – or have done – is buying Twitter followers.


Sadly, that is not a typographical error. Several artists have been accused of pre-ordering their followers so that it will seem like a significant number of fans are interested in seeing their posts every day. The strength must come in numbers, after all. Thus, they are willing to buy Twitter followers and not wait for their real supporters to follow them at their own accord.

How Can You Purchase The Following?

There are hideous companies who sell dummy or once-deactivated accounts at approximately $10 for every 1,000. The amount will suffice if you are 1,000 followers shy of reaching, say, the 1,000,000 following mark. However, in case the number of your subscribers are still in 20,000, that is a long way to go and a fat sum of money to spend.

Will People Find Out About It?

With those who hang on to each word you utter, maybe you will be safe. Such folks will ideally pay no mind to anything fishy that’s going on with your other followers. The same cannot be guaranteed, though, for the select few whose job is to dig down deep into famous personalities’ dirt.

The fake accounts are easy to notice because they do not have profile pictures (only the basic Twitter egg is shown) or posts in the page. That is why a lot of curious minds can assume that the public figures that have more “egghead” followers are the ones who have resorted to buying the Twitter following.


How Will Buying Followers Affect You?

If you are curious about this infamous trend, you can keep on reading below.

1. Sudden Rise In Popularity

The desire to be popular is what drives so many people to buy Twitter followers. The question “Why does he/she have more following when I have more talents than them?” often rings in their brain. Because of that, if the usual invitations do not work, they bite the bullet and opt to purchase followers instead.

There are individuals out there that you may have heard of to only have a hundred followers on a night, for instance, but their subscription increased to over a million after a few days and made them instant celebrities before they can do something big and amazing. Likewise, there already are stars who have used the same technique to perhaps show to the others that people appreciate them too. Is it an applaudable tactic, though? Nope.

2. Lose Money

Purchasing a thousand following, for example, does not cost over $10. While the cost may not be much, you need to have at least one million followers before the journalists take notice of you and write an article about you. If you do the math with this idea, you will have to pay $10,000 to make it happen. That is honestly a considerable amount of money that regular folks will not be willing to spend on something that is intangible.


3. Lower Credibility

Someone who gets outed as a buyer of Twitter followers may undoubtedly be on the wrong side of the individuals who used to adore them. News about such things tends to come out at one point because everyone has eyes and is capable of putting two and two together. Once the fans realize that those elites are faking their popularity, their real supporters, as well as their credibility, might diminish.

Remember: it is not difficult to find out who does this and who does not when the profiles are open to the public. You will not even be required to download specialized software to do it. By merely checking the list of followers in someone’s account, you can tell whether their accounts are active or they have no profile pictures. The latter are called eggheads – the followers that have been achieved by being bought.

Is It Worth Buying Twitter Followers?

If you are desperate, then maybe. However, if you sincerely think about it, it is nothing but a waste of effort and money. Those followers you buy are not your real fans, frankly speaking. They cannot buy your albums, watch your movies, or go to your gigs to support you. Hence, you are practically fooling yourself that things are going your way.

Try to stay as far as way as possible from this infamous activity if you don’t need trouble in your life. Good luck!